Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cinnamon Raisin Buns

These buns adapted to TMX from Woks of life Blog are lovely.  They are not too sweet and are quite versatile with the  small amount of filling. As I am pushed for time at the moment I will just print the adapted recipe. Please consult the original Blog for folding these buns. You could use the basic dough for coffee scrolls and similar. These ingredients made 13 large buns , 10 cm across. I would make half next time and make 9 or 10 buns.

3/4 cup of thickened cream.
1  1/2 cups of warm milk, plus 1 dessert spoon
1 large egg or 2 very small ones.
40 to 60 g of sugar, depending on how sweet you like you buns
115g plain flour
830g of bread flour
15g dry yeast.

30 g sugar mixed with 2 teaspoons od cinnamon.
2/3 cup of sultanas

1 large egg mixed with 1 dessert spoon I'd water, for wash

Simple syrup, 1 dessert spoon of boiling water mixed with 1 dessert spoon of sugar until dissolved.

Place all dough ingredients in TMX bowl and knead for 5 minutes.
Place in large bowl and allow to increase 1. 1/2 times.
Tip on to well floured bench and knead a few times .
Cut into desired number of pieces.
Form into buns and brush liberally with egg wash.
let rise until double
Bake about 15 minutes at 160
Brush with simple syrup.

Follow instructions for folding and twisting on Wok of Life Blog. This is essential to get the " look" .

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