Sunday, July 28, 2013

Swedish Crispbread

These are delicious, easy to make and will keep,  if you don't eat them all.  This recipe makes 12 round disks.  Very easy to make in the TMX.  This recipe was adapted from ' Green Kitchen'.


250 mls of warm water
140 mls of cultured buttermilk, ( or 1/2 plain yoghurt and 1/2 milk)
3 teaspoons of dried yeast
1 tablespoons of cumin seeds
250 grams of whole grain rye flour
250 whole grain Spelt flour, plus extra to add as necessary and for rolling out.
2 teaspoons of salt

For topping
40 grams linseed,( flaxseeds)
2 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon of cumin seeds

Set oven at 200 o C

Place all ingredients into TMX bowl, ( except topping ) and knead for 4 minutes.
Add additional spelt flour to make a just sticky dough. ( I added 2 tablespoons )
Turn out on to silmat and make 12 small balls
Place in large plastic bag and rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Lightly dust silmat and roll one ball at a time, to a very thin disk .
Sprinkle with the topping and roll this in.
Place onto oven tray , prick with a fork all over disk,  and bake until dry and crisp,  but not dark brown. ( I turned the disks over 1/2 way through. )
Place on wire rack to cool completely.
Store in air tight container. I used a large zip plastic bag.

This is traditionally eaten with cheese, cucumber and black pepper.

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