Saturday, December 1, 2012

Coffee Syrup, for Iced Coffee. REVISITED

Two years ago I developed a recipe for Coffee Syrup.  The good members of Forum Thermomix,  offered some suggestions as to how I might improve the recipe. Today I made a batch of the Coffee and incorporated some of these suggestions.  I will reprint the recipe,  incorporating the changes.

Infuse 1 1/2 cups of FINEground coffee of choice in 1 1/2 cups of boiling water,  for 10 minutes.
Add 1 cup of raw sugar to TMX bowl and after 10 minutes strain the infused coffee in on top of the sugar.  I used 4 layers of Chux.  After 10 minutes I squeezed hard, with my hands to remove as much liquid as possible.
Bring to the boil on Varoma temperature ans boil bor 3 minutes, speed 1
Bottle into sterile bottle.  Makes 1 1/4 cups.
It will keep for 6 months.
You may add 1 teaspoon of Vanilla extract to bottle.

Add  1 1/2 tablespoons of the syrup to a large glass of milk,  topped up with ice cream.
Add syrup, milk and ice blocks to TMX and zap.

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