Sunday, October 30, 2011

Crack Crumble

In the recent issue of Gourmet Traveller this sweet topping was published. It is easy to make in the TMX, and less messy. It can be stored in an air tight container , to be later sprinkled on Ice Cream or fruit , in fact anything that would benefit from a bit of crunch. I have adapted the recipe to what I had available.

Set oven at 180 o C

Place in TMX bowl.
90g. raw sugar, (or 1/2 white and 1/2 brown)
40g. of oat bran or digestive biscuits.
25g. flour
1/4 teaspoon salt.
Zap 20 seconds/ speed 7

Add to bowl
40g. frozen butter ,cubed.
Zap 10 seconds/ speed 7

Tip on to oven tray and roast in oven, stirring every 5 mins, until golden brown. ( 10 to 20 mins.)

Cool and break up any large lumps. If a fine dust is required , zap in Tmx for 2/3 seconds.

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