Thursday, February 4, 2010

Coconut Flour bread rolls

These rolls are made with white unbleached bakers flour, with the addition of 'niulife" coconut flour. Those who know, say that coconut flour is particularly kind to our digestive system as well as not clogging our arteries and not adding to body fat. The down side is that the rolls do not rise quite the same as if made with all wheat flour. Small compensation.

400g wheat ( bakers flour )
100g coconut flour
400g luke warm water
1 teasp. salt
2 rounded teasp. dried yeast

Place all ingredients in TMX bowl, knead for 5 mins. on knead option.
Set Time to 45 mins., and temp to 37, if the room temp is below 22.
After 45 mins knead in bowl for 1 min.
Tip out on to TMX mat and cut into 8 even pieces.
Form into rolls of what ever shape you wish. While you do this turn oven on to 210.
Brush with oil and water while on baking tray
Stand at room temp ( around 20 to 23 is good) for 20 mins.
Slash tops, to assist rising.
Cook for 20 -25 mins at 200

A tray with water in it will assist rising and give a crisp crust


  1. Jill
    Mornington Peninsular
    I've been inspired by your desire to share. Not so new to computer but relatively new to internet. Off to get Coconut flour now to try rolls. Will let you knew how it goes.
