My favorite Quiche.

This is the Quiche that I have been making for more than 20 years. I have just converted the recipe to TMX. This means less dishes to wash up, and easy. It is not low fat, but is equally good made with low fat cheese, low fat milk and cream. It has no pastry crust, and I cut the fat off the bacon. This served 3 adults and 2 children, with salad for lunch yesterday.

4 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup cream
1/2 cup S.R. flour
4 strips of bacon.chopped.
1 onion.
120g. grated tasty cheese.

Plus,3/4 cup of any other vegetable, such as mushrooms, asparagus, red or green peppers. corn.

Garnish. parsley. chives. olives.

Spray with oil , a flat baking dish or quiche dish.
set oven to 200c.

Zap onion in TMX bowl and scrape down sides.
Add bacon and cook on 100 for 5 mins. speed 1.
Add additional vegetables and cook on reverse for 2 mins, speed 1.
Let cool for 5 mins.
Add all the remaining ingredients, and mix on reverse for 10 seconds.
Pour into prepared dish and sprinkle top with chopped parsley and chives, or chopped olives or whatever garnish you like.

Bake at 200c for 3/4 of an hour, test to see that it is cooked. Give another 10/15 mins if necessary. Under cook if it is to be reheated.
The time depends on the dish it is baked in.

Rara's triple chocolate muffin tops

These were posted on the Forumthermomix. I didn't have a Muffin Top tin so I cooked them in a shallow small cake tins. I wanted them for the Grand Childrens' lunch boxes They are easy in the Thermomix.

160g sr flour
150g plain flour
180g milk
100g raw sugar
2 eggs
70g light olive oil, ( I used Rice Bran oil)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
25g cocoa
125g Cadbury milk chocolate bits.
125g Cadbury dark chocolate bits.

Preheat oven to 180c.
Grease tin.
Place all ingredients except choco. bits into TMX bowl and mix 40 seconds on speed 4/5.
Add choco. bits and mix for 15 seconds at speed 1. May have to finish mixing with spatula.
Spoon into tin, and bake for 10/12 mins. Do not over cook.

Because I used a different tin, I made 45 little cakes/muffins.
Ideal for lunches, and for those who don't want to pig out.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fruit Loaf for Pipe Tin

Baked loaf

Dough rising in tin

No matter where I looked, I couldn't find a recipe that I liked to make a fruit loaf in my Pipe tin. In the end I put together several ideas, and have come up with a satisfactory result. I used as a base my Milk and Honey Bread and added fruit and spice to bring the weight up to and in fact, a little over 800g. I have been reading Dan Lepard's bread book, The Handmade Loaf. He recommends kneading every 10 mins. for 1/2 hour. That is 3 times. This is very easy in the TMX, as you leave the dough in the bowl and knead for 10 seconds, 3 times after the initial 1 min. mix and knead. Then leave in bowl to double. How easy is this.

460g white bread flour
2 teaspoons of dried instant yeast
300g milk
40g honey
100g mixed dried fruit and nuts. (I used apricots, sultanas, and walnuts.)
1 teaspoon of mixed spice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
good pinch of nutmeg

Measure milk and honey into TMX bowl, and heat to boiling on 100, speed 1.
Leave in bowl to cool to 37 or just warm. (to hot and it will kill the yeast)
When the temperature drops to 70, add the fruit and spices.
When temperature is 37 or less, add flour and yeast and knead for 1 min.
Every 10 mins. following, knead for 10 seconds. Do this 3 times.
Place bowl in warm place and let rise until double. This will take longer than a white loaf.
When doubled, tip on to bench and roll into a size that will fit your tin.
Spray with water , fold top of tin over and place in warm spot for about 20 mins. Check to see that it is rising.
Spray again and close lid. Bake in a preheated oven 220o for 40 mins.
Remove from tin and put back in oven for 10 mins.

Some tins are not as large as mine, so reduce the mix and cooking time. Use the white loaf measurements as a guide. Also the cooking times.

If you like larger lumps of fruit visible in your loaf, add the fruit and spice mix after the 1 min knead.

This could also be cooked in a bread tin.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pumpkin Spiced Rice.

This is an attractive looking dish. It can be served hot or cold, and can be prepared the previous day. It has little or no fat, depending on how you cook the pumpkin.
The recipe makes 6 generous serves at 225 calories per serve if the pumpkin is steamed.

570g. pumpkin
1 medium onion
2 large cloves of garlic
1 heaped teaspoon of curry powder
1 cup of uncooked rice
2 Tablespoons of currants or craisins
1/4 cup of toasted slivered almonds
1 cup of baby spinach leaves
2 Tablespoons of chicken stock

Cut pumpkin into 2cm. dice and steam in Varoma until cooked, or spray with oil and roast in oven. Set aside.
Cook rice in TMX, set aside.
Put onion and garlic in TMX bowl and zap until chopped. Scrape down sides and add chicken stock. Cook on varoma for 5 mins., gentle reverse. Add curry powder and zap to mix in.
Place everything in a large bowl and turn the mixture over to mix together, Make sure the onion mixture is well incorporated.
Sprinkle the almonds over the top and serve.

If preparing for the next day, and you wish to serve it hot, then don't stir in the spinach leaves until it is reheated. It reheats well in the Microwave.

I used some Wild rice and white rice. You could use brown rice if preferred.